Do you have a person or some people in your life with enough guts to hold up an unflattering or uncomfortable mirror to let you see clearly some of the stupid shit you are doing that's holding you back? If not, try a men's circle. From my experience, the majority of people don't have a sober look at how they are showing up in their lives.
It's easy to see what we want to see in ourselves as if we have a magic mirror with built in photo enhancement technology. It's reassuring to feel validated when our buddies or family members go along with us for the charade, propping us up, often sugar coating or avoiding all together what might be difficult or painful truths we need to hear or see to take our lives to the next level. It's comfortable to keep on doing the same behaviors that we've always done and telling ourselves the same stories that we have grown to accept as "just the way we are". But the truth is - we can change if we are brave enough to see through our own bullshit.